It’s back - the best free learning event in the comms calendar - the UnAwards Winners Masterclass.

by Darren Caveney

The UnAwards 2023 generated a staggering 450 entries and the quality of the work submitted was higher than ever.

Attending the Masterclass each year is a unique opportunity to hear, first hand, the experiences, tips and lessons which lie behind the winners’ work.

The event is a 140 capacity and always SELLS OUT. Tickets are £free and can be grabbed via two free ticket releases.

Sign up to the comms2point0 eMag to find out first. You can DO THAT HERE.

Pre event meal - 7.30pm at Indian Streatery, Bennetts Hill B2 5QP on Tuesday 23 April 2024. Places are limited - you can sign up HERE.

Post event drinks - Everyman Cinema Bar and Diner

The Masterclass will take place on Wednesday 24 April at The UnAwards’ spiritual home, The Everman Cinema in Birmingham’s Mailbox, just a 7-8 minute walk from New Street train station.

Registration will be from 9.30am where you will be greeted with fresh coffee and pastries. We’ll begin the event at 10am. We’ll be finished 4.00pm.

AGENDA to follow

Post event drinks - There will be the chance for post-event drinks in the Everyman Bar and Diner.

Further event information will be announced only on the official comms2point0 channels - here on this site, the eMag and on the @comms2point0 Twitter and LinkedIn account. So keep them peeled.

Huge thanks…

to the official UnAwards Winners Masterclass partners and sponsors for making this event possible 🖤

Darren Caveney is creator and owner of comms2point0 and creative communicators ltd

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