It’s back - the best free learning event in the comms calendar - the UnAwards Winners Masterclass.

by Darren Caveney

The UnAwards 2022 generated a staggering 342 entries and the quality of the work submitted was higher than ever. But what did the winners do to claim their prozes?

Attending the Masterclass each year is a unique opportunity to hear, first hand, the experiences, tips and lessons which lie behind the winners’ work.

The event is a 140 capacity SELL OUT.

If you would like to join the waiting list please email me HERE.

The Masterclass will take place on 19 April at The UnAwards’ spiritual home, The Everman Cinema in Birmingham’s Mailbox, just a 7-8 minute walk from New Street train station.


9.30      Registration, tea, coffee and pastries

10          Welcome to the day – Darren Caveney

10.10     Best crisis comms and best collaboration - Louisa Dean, Reading Borough Council

10.30     Best creative comms – Clare Smith and Andrew Walker, Scottish Water

10.50     Coffee break

11.10     Best low cost comms/best video – Hannah Bryan and Katie Macfarlane, Durham Constabulary

11.30    Best team/best use of email, Helena Hornby and Cristian Marcucci, Staffordshire County Council

11.50     Panel Q&A – Louisa Dean, Clare Smith, Andrew Walker, Hannah Bryan, Katie Macfarlane

12.05   Partner Panel Q&A: Your chance to learn more about the latest in comms, digital comms, social media and effective engagement – Orlo, CAN Digital, Local Government Association, Hello Lamp Post, e-shot, Alive with Ideas and DigiKind

12.20     UK Film Premiere: Full Full, Half Half - A short film by Dawn Reeves

12.30     Lunch

1.15       Best social media account, Tracy-Lee Lewis, South Wales Police

1.35       Best young comms pro, Jack Grasby, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

1.55       Best small team, Rob McCleary, Gedling Borough Council

2.15       Coffee break

2.35       Best internal comms, Krystle Downie, Kensington and Chelsea Council

2.55       Best ethical comms behaviour/diversity – Ross McLean, Hertfordshire County Council and Best health and wellbeing – Laurel Smithson, Hertfordshire County Council

3.20        Panel Q&A – Tracy-Lee Lewis, Jack Grasby, Rob McCleary, Krystle Downie, Laurel Smithson, Ross McLean plus Lifetime Achievement winner, Eddie Coates-Madden

3.50        Reflections and wrap up

4              Finish*

*Post event drinks - will take place in the Everyman Cinema Bar and Diner for those who fancy staying on.

It’s going to be a cracker and I’m very excited for it.

A pre event meal to whet your appetite…

There will be a social gathering at 7.30pm at Indian Streatery, Bennetts Hill B2 5QP on Tuesday 18 April 2023, the night before the Masterclass.

Places are limited - you can sign up HERE.

The big day itself…

The Masterclass will take place at The UnAwards’ spiritual home, The Everman Cinema in Birmingham’s Mailbox, just a 7-8 minute walk from New Street train station.

Registration will be from 9.30am where you will be greeted with fresh coffee and pastries. We’ll begin the event at 10am. We’ll be finished 4.00pm.

There will also be a social and drinks directly after the Masterclass in the Everyman’s lovely bar and diner.

Further event information will be announced only on the official comms2point0 channels - here on this site, the eMag and on the @comms2point0 Twitter and LinkedIn account. So keep them peeled.

Huge thanks…

to the official UnAwards Winners Masterclass partners and sponsors for making this event possible:

I love you all 🖤

These kind of free learning events are vital for our industry. As is the opportunity for people to meet face-to-face - to share, connect and to just get away from screens and meetings and emails and all of the other things which hamper our development. It’s also fun, and that’s still allowed at work.

Darren Caveney is creator and owner of comms2point0 and creative communicators ltd

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